Up until now we have relied on our facebook page to share our news and reach people.
However with our debut album well underway and nearing completion, we thought it was high time we had our own webspace to reflect more of what we are about and what we are upto.
So… not much to show at the moment but for now you can find our back history on facebook. Expect to see more here very shortly, epecially about our forthcoming Album release and any gigs we have lined up…
Current EP
I nearly for got to mention: Our current EP release ‘End of the Dream’ can be found on almost every platform including Spotify!
Here is an extract from the post on facebook telling you all about it:We have decided to donate the proceeds from the sale of our new Ep – ‘End of the Dream’ to ‘Friends of the earth’… To assist in their campaign against Fracking…
So with this in mind we have set up a paypal Money Pool whereby you can make a donation. Donate here: https://paypal.me/pools/c/8hg8sgPecP
We will then send you a link to download the four tracks in your chosen format Mp3 or Wav etc. This way the entire amount you donate bar any Paypal fees will go to the charity rather than Bandcamp taking their cut.
Minimum donation is £3.50 but you can donate more if you wish…
Ps. you can still stream it on Soundcloud and download it through Bandcamp but we recommend this way to maximise your donation… Thankyou one person who already downloaded it!
???? Please do like & share the Frack out of this then we can raise as much as possible for the cause!… Cheers, Rhyming with Orange ????
Nuala O’Hagan, Nigel Mawdsley, Matt Pearce, Mark Hibell
With many thanks to all who have been involved along the way thus far; Clare Whitehead, Sarah Hibell, Awesome Daniel Briscoe, Patrick Hibell, Sue Hargreaves, Jack Cockwill, Ian Cleverdon, Martin Hovden, David Jonker